Pascal's triangle in Haskell

(My answer to this Stack Overflow question.)

Start out with the triangle itself:

    1 1
   1 2 1
  1 3 3 1
 1 4 6 4 1

You should notice that to write down the next row, you must apply this rule: sum the previous rows’ adjacent elements, using a 0 for the lonely edge elements. Visually:

    0   1   0
     \+/ \+/
  0   1   1   0
   \+/ \+/ \+/
0   1   2   1   0
 \+/ \+/ \+/ \+/
  1   3   3   1

Operationally, that looks like this:

For row 0:
[1]  (it's a given; i.e. base case)

For row 1:
[0, 1]   <- row 0 with a zero prepended ([0] ++ row 0)
 +  +
[1, 0]   <- row 0 with a zero appended  (row 0 ++ [0])
 =  =
[1, 1]   <- element-wise addition

For row 2:
[0, 1, 1]
 +  +  +
[1, 1, 0]
 =  =  =
[1, 2, 1]

Generally, for row N:

element-wise addition of:
  [0] ++ row(N-1)
  row(N-1) ++ [0]

Remember that element-wise addition of lists in Haskell is zipWith (+).

Thus we arrive at the following Haskell definition:

pascal 0 = [1]
pascal n = zipWith (+) ([0] ++ pascal (n-1)) (pascal (n-1) ++ [0])

Or in a fashion similar to the famous “lazy fibs”:

pascals = [1] : map (\xs -> zipWith (+) ([0] ++ xs) (xs ++ [0])) pascals