Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

(Referring to this leetcode problem)

I opted for a (relatively) inefficient solution for the following reasons:

Moreover, consider the following tree:

       /              \
    _6(a)_          ___6__
   /      \        /      \
   6(p)   _6       6       6
         /  \
         6   6(q)

All nodes’ values are 6, yet we are passed p and q pointing to specific nodes. The answer in this case must be exactly a and not any other 6-valued node.

So, my algorithm consists of:

  1. Let p_path be the inclusive path from root to p, and similarly for q_path.
  2. The solution is the last element of the largest common prefix between p_path and q_path.

The (unoptimized) code:

class Solution {
    TreeNode* lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p, TreeNode* q) {
        auto p_path = findPath(root, p);
        auto q_path = findPath(root, q);

        assert(p_path.size() > 0);
        assert(q_path.size() > 0);
        assert(p_path[0] == root);
        assert(q_path[0] == root);
        assert(p_path.back() == p);
        assert(q_path.back() == q);

        int i = 1;
        for (; i < min(p_path.size(), q_path.size()); ++i) {
            if (p_path[i] != q_path[i]) {

        assert(p_path[i - 1] == q_path[i - 1]);

        return p_path[i - 1];

    vector<TreeNode*> findPath(TreeNode* haystack, TreeNode* needle, vector<TreeNode*> path = {}) {
        if (needle->val < haystack->val)
            return findPath(haystack->left, needle, path);
        if (needle->val > haystack->val)
            return findPath(haystack->right, needle, path);
        // so, values are equal. we must explore all equal-value nodes
        path.pop_back(); // so we don't get dupes
        return findEq(haystack, needle, path);

    vector<TreeNode*> findEq(TreeNode* haystack, TreeNode* needle, vector<TreeNode*> path = {}) {
        if (haystack == needle) {
            return path;
        if (haystack->left && haystack->left->val == needle->val) {
            auto maybe = findEq(haystack->left, needle, path);
            if (!maybe.empty())
                return maybe;
        if (haystack->right && haystack->right->val == needle->val) {
            auto maybe = findEq(haystack->right, needle, path);
            if (!maybe.empty())
                return maybe;
        return {};